Yesterday i read COMPETITION SUCCESS REVIEW(CSR) magazine for d 1st tym in moi lyf....d reason fo me reading it was to improve moi general knowlege very essential for Management entrance examinations( MET's ) other dan CAT..... I suffered last year in IRMA due to lack of moi GK as i wasnt able to clear cutoff of GK in dat exam(otherwise i wud hav got through)....actually last year i thot dat as i read newspaper on a daily basis,i m always up to date wid all d matters and current affairs and i was,to an extent....but dat wasnt enogh...... dese exams ask for much more dan reading newspapers ..... Dey r more concerned abt d minute details of a topic or person wich aint published in newspapers ....so all those preparing for MET's betta start studyin dese GK magazines else otherwise u wud only b left to regret as i did last year.... I think CSR and YOJANA r gud enogh for preparation.....also prep institutes provide GK modules wich r also helpful... And i must tell ya,such is d d...